Detail kreativce

Zpět na galerii

Ondřej Vomočil

fyzická osoba podnikající na základě živnostenského zákona č. 455/1991 Sb. disponující IČO

IČO: 08683158



O profilu kreativce

Zvukař, ruchař a hudebník. Specializuji se primárně na zvukovou složku v animované tvorbě. Jako ruchař a zvukový editor jsem spolupracoval na desítkách českých a zahraničních AV děl.

MgA. Ondřej Vomočil



    • Sídlo:

      Družební 1282
      Ostrov 36301 Karlovarský kraj
    • Kontaktní adresa:

      U nemocenské pojišťovny 1229/4
      Praha 11000
      Hlavní město Praha

Místa působnosti:

  • Královéhradecký kraj
  • Jihočeský kraj
  • Jihomoravský kraj
  • Karlovarský kraj
  • Liberecký kraj
  • Moravskoslezský kraj
  • Olomoucký kraj
  • Pardubický kraj
  • Hlavní město Praha
  • Plzeňský kraj
  • Středočeský kraj
  • Ústecký kraj
  • Kraj Vysočina
  • Zlínský kraj

Oblasti nabízených služeb

  • Hudba / zvuk

    • DOUBT

      Adela Križovenská, 2023

      Obrázek reference

      Slovy režisérky: Doubt was born out of my own burnout. Thanks to the voices of people who had the courage to talk with me about their emotions during their own creative struggles, I form my own personal confession that hopefully speaks not just for me, but for a lot of others in the creative industries. Partnership with Ondřej Vomočil was essential for the project, we created the movie through a "step by step" method, where sound and music inspired the visuals, helping me to overcome my own creative burnout and it allowed me to discover techniques in animation I have never tried before.

      Slovy režisérky: Doubt was born out of my own burnout. Thanks to the voices of people who had the courage to talk with me about their emotions during their own creative struggles, I form my own personal confession that hopefully speaks not just for me, but for a lot of others in the creative industries. Partnership with Ondřej Vomočil was essential for the project, we created the movie through a "step by step" method, where sound and music inspired the visuals, helping me to overcome my own creative burnout and it allowed me to discover techniques in animation I have never tried before.

    • Práva hospitalizovaných dětí

      AZN kru, 2023

      Obrázek reference

      Nejste sami – mobile hospice is an NGO which focuses on providing care for adults as well as pediatric patients and their families. The organization provides support to patients in the terminal stages of illness so that they can pass away with dignity in the home-like environment of their closest friends and family.

      Nejste sami – mobile hospice is an NGO which focuses on providing care for adults as well as pediatric patients and their families. The organization provides support to patients in the terminal stages of illness so that they can pass away with dignity in the home-like environment of their closest friends and family.